Colorado State Content Standards

Educational clients receive a full resource pack including worksheets, activities, lesson plans and assesments depending on grade and program selected.

Standards Addressed





Program III

Reading & Writing

Standard 1
Students read and understand a variety of materials.






Standard 2
Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences.






Standard 4
Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.






Foreign Language


Standard 1.1 Listening
Students listen to and derive meaning from a variety of foreign language sources.




Standard 1.2 Speaking
Students speak in the foreign language for a variety of purposes and for diverse audiences.





Standard 1.3 Reading
Students read and derive meaning from a variety of materials written in a foreign language.






Standard 2
Students acquire and use knowledge of cultures while developing foreign language skills.








Standard 1.1
Students use maps, globes, and other geographic tools to acquire, process, and report origins of assigned instruments.

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Standard 1.2
Students develop knowledge of Earth to locate people and places
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Standard 4
Students will listen to, analyze, evaluate, and describe music.






Standard 5
Students will relate music to various historical and cultural traditions.








Standard 1
Students will understand and demonstrate dance skills.






Standard 4
Students will understand and relate the role of dance in culture and history.






Program I
Lesson plans, worksheets, activities, workshops, full performance, question & answer sessions and post performance assesments.

Program I +
Lesson plans including Foreign Language and/or Dance,
worksheets, activities, workshops, full performance, question & answer sessions and post performance assesments.

Program II
Lesson plans
, worksheets, activities, full performance, question & answer sessions and post performance assesments.

Program II +
Lesson plans including Foreign Language and/or Dance,
worksheets, activities, full performance, question & answer sessions and post performance assesments.

Program III
Performance Only

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