Mallet Kat is a highly sophisticated Midi Controller in an
Electronic Chromatic Marimba form.


Bones uses a Yamaha Motif ES sound generator in conjunction with the Mallat Kat to create many of the melodic sounds
that you hear at his performances and on his recordings.
While the Motif offers the possibility of thousands of sounds and effects, Bones has opted mostly for the authentic sounds of
traditional mallet instruments.


Bones uses the Gibson/Oberhiem Echoplex Digital Pro
to loop his music.
Many guitarist are using this unit but as far as we know, Bones is the only Percussionist who uses it to this extent.

Because of the inherent problems encountered with so many acoustic instrument microphones on stage, Bones used 6 channels of
DBX 266XL Limiter/Gates
and Compressors
to limit the recording of residual stage noise.
Another way that Bones reduces the recording of residual stage noise is with by employing microphone muting devices that have infra-red beams which sense when he is in front of his instrument and turn the mic on and off automatically.